Municipal Library of Patra, Arcadia, Greece

Municipal Library of Patra -
Library and Information Center
Patra, Arcadia, Greece


Main Book Collection & Audiovisual material

The SCP has a rich collection of printed books that cover the teaching and research needs of the university community. The main collection (STS) extends in the first and second floor. This collection is divided into smaller collections, such as the collection of information materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, monographs, series, etc.), collecting large format books and collection of multiple copies that are in specific racks on the first floor.

Doctoral Theses

The LIC maintains the collection of doctoral theses have been developed at the University of Patras or in other universities of the country. These theses, which can be found mainly through the list of Nereus library, but also through the DSpace institutional repository, located at the books dissertations on the ground floor of the LIC.


The SCP hosts the premises of book collections donated by our eminent citizens. The main one of them, the General Education Library VV Antonopoulos is searchable through the list of LIC Nereus, while gradually cataloged and others. You can learn more about donations to the relevant website .

European Documentation Center

The SCP also hosts printed collections centered on European Union, the European Council's decisions and the case-law, under the operation of the European Documentation Center (EDC). More information can be found in the relevant website .
