FREE On-line Greek Language Programs

I must confess that my Greek language skills leave a lot to be desired, and we all know that it helps to be able to read Greek when doing our Hellenic family research. That is why I paid special attention when I saw the following Greek On-line language programs in the “Greek News Agenda”.

Three of the five following programs are absolutely FREE. I hope that some of you will find these links helpful.

Learn Greek - FREE - Learn Greek Online is composed of 105 real audio files (around 15 minutes each), on-line student notes, a collection of collaborative learning tools and an online Greek dictionary and a Greek spell checker.

Odysseas - Online Greek Language Tutor - “interactive learning program designed to teach the Greek language and culture on the internet using electronic learning principles and advanced user interface technology. The tutor is designed to emulate how an actual personal tutor would instruct a student.”

Hellas Alive - offered by the Hellenic American Union - “Through its pioneering programme Hellas Alive, anyone who wants to learn or improve their Greek can navigate this rich multimedia platform where learning becomes a playful experience”

Speak Greek - Live Greek - FREE e-learning program - aimed at teaching anyone wishing to learn the Greek Language and to discover the Greek Culture and History no matter where they are.

Filoglossia - FREE online - Learning Greek as a foreign language through Filoglossia, a multimedia programme based on the communicative approach, could be a handy tool for those who want to use the language in real every day life situations. Filoglossia is promoted by the Institute for Language and Speech Processing.

As always, good luck with your Greek family genealogy research.

Georgia Keilman
